Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry 2022
We are happy to announce, that in the first SGIP-SSPI curriculum we had up to 14 participants in the first year and up to 25 in the second year. This is a very successful start of that new course in Psychiatry.
Further, we would like to inform you that in January 2022 the second run of the SGIP-SSPI offered curricular training in the field of interventional psychiatry will start. It covers a broad spectrum aiming to teach the methodology of interventional electrical treatment methods used in psychiatry. Beside the methods, the application of them in psychiatric indications is part of the training. The curriculum is an obligatory part of the theoretical education to achieve the SIWF accredited certificate in Interventional Psychiatry. The curriculum should preferably parallel the practical training. It is structured in such a way that a total of 10 afternoon courses are offered over a period of 2 years with five afternoon courses offered per year. On each course day, 4 credits are taught, thus 40 credits are totally offered in two years. Entry is possible at any time. For the certificate in Interventional Psychiatry 32 of these credits must be acquired. Participation in the course is possible for everyone, regardless of the profession. Participation in the course will be charged with CHF 400 per afternoon (for 4 credits). There are no price differences for members and non-members.
The courses will take place in Bern, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Murtenstrasse 21 or via zoom. Language is English.
The exact dates of the next course afternoons can be found in the Events section and attached. Registration forms are provided on the homepage, too.