Dr. med. Kevin Swierkosz-Lenart
Dr Kevin Swierkosz-Lenart is a psychiatrist psychotherapist, head of the interventional psychiatry unit at the CHUV, member of the board of the Swiss Society of Interventional Psychiatry and has been involved in the development of new methods in psychiatry for many years. In this context, he contributed to the development and establishment of the CHUV interventional psychiatry unit together with professor Armin von Gunten head of the SUPAA-CHUV (University Service of Old Age Psychiatry). Dr Kevin Swierkosz-Lenart has taken a particular interest iin the possibilities of using interventional psychiatry in resistant psychiatric disorders, such as the psychological and behavioural disorders of dementia (Swierkosz-Lenart et al.,2019) . He is currently completing a PhD thesis on a double-blind RCT on the use of ttranscranial repetitive magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in elderly subjects with cognitive and affective disorders. He is a partner in the Swiss National Found project "Neuromodulation-induced plasticity of hippocampal networks - diagnostic and prognostic value for mood, cognitive and motor outcome in depression" coordinated by Professor Bogdan Draganski, with whom he has published two papers on neuroplasticity and electroconvulsive therapy. Involved in the development of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), he collaborated with Professor Armin von Gunten, in the creation of the DBS Board at the CHUV, which brings together renowned experts in the different branches related to DBS (Professor Jocelyne Bloch for neurosurgery, Dr Julien Bally for neurology, Professor Luc Mallet for psychiatry). As part of this activity, he specialises in the treatment of resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and more specifically through the use of rTMS and DBS. This activity resulted in a peer reviewed publication jointly with the other participants of the DBS board and Professor Luc Mallet (K. Swierkosz-Lenart et al., 2023).