General Assembly 02.05.2019


We cordially invite you to our first General Assembly of the SGIP-SSPI on Thursday 2nd of May 2019, at 16.00h in the Psychiatric University Hospital, Murtenstrasse 21 (room U06), 3008 Bern (Download Invitation). 


  1. Welcome address

  2. Introduction and annual report SGIP-SSPI

  3. Definition regulations of fees

  4. Defintion regulations of compensations and expenses

  5. Definition budget

  6. Voting revisors

  7. Voting commission education and training

  8. Voting delegate for the assembly of the delegates for the SGPP

  9. Introduction of the new SIWF accredited certificate on interventional psychiatry

  10. Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry

  11. Varia

An informal registration in the Secretariat SGIP-SSPI is desired: